図説日本妖怪大全 みんなこんな本を読んできた 図説日本妖怪大全
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図説日本妖怪大全 ( 水木 しげる )


Mr. Shigeru Mizuki is famous for his comics in Japan and East Asia, he makes many traditional monsters and ghosts alive with his pen. This book provides readers with enormous monsters in Japanese culture. Since the Japaneses' religious belief involves somewhat pantheism, people interested in Japan should learn more about the mysterious. As a foreigner, I think this title dedicates both for those interested in mysteries and in popular culture; both for ordinary and academic reader as an introduction. If possible, I think it would be much better to have a bibliography in next new edtion.

図説日本妖怪大全 ↑ご購入はこちらからどうぞ。
| ビジネス・経済 | 金融・経営 | 漫画・アニメ | 文学・評論 | 科学・技術 | 人文・思想 | アート・建築・デザイン | 社会・政治 | ノンフィクション | 新書・文庫 | 旅行ガイド | ホビー・スポーツ | エンターテイメント | タレント写真集 | 歴史・地理 | 医学・薬学 | 資格・検定 | 暮らし・健康・子育て | 語学・辞典 | 参考書・受験 | 子供向け | 楽譜
