This book includes many practical examples that are useful to use in exchanging email with IT engineers who can speak only English. With this book in their hands Japanese engineers can make themselves understood without having to dig through Japanese-English dictionaries as they try to compose strings of English words. It is a must book for a Japanese who wants to improve his/her communicative skills with American co-workers.
I work as an IT consultant for a Japanese company in downtown Tokyo. This is a great book for my Japanese colleagues to have. It covers email examples for workers in IT-related business fields..It does an excellent job in covering the topic of communicating with American engineers . If Japanese engineers buy this book, what they will get is an easy to follow and quick to mimic examples that are written from a practical user standpoint. Tons of books are out there which promise to show Japanese how to write emails and letters in English. IMHO, this is by far one of the best books I've seen in that genre. My Japanese co-workers can certainly benefit from it.
I work for an IT consultation firm in Tokyo. I found this book so useful in establishing better communication with my Japanese colleagues and superiors. I even gave copies to my American co-workers in the office as Christmas presents. They now share my opinion about the book.