if you need me to be here i am a strong manpanion. though my sorrow is weak. the depression gets to me good at just the cover looking of this. i cannot imagine the unhappy children of the world. i am an individual just so you know. though it makes me feel like sleeping time. i don't want to be sad anymore. you have no idea what a road i lead. poverty is to be stricken from the recordbooks! NO MORE OF THIS NONSENCE!!! I DON'T WANT YOU KNOCKING ON MY DOOR!!! TELL YOUR CHILDREN TO GO HOME!! i am decent and caring. morris is the BESSSSSSSSTT friend anyone can have at all. but he's mine so you can shut up! i think your children's face looks stupid! SO WHAT?! i don't care! where's YOUR power, huh?! i'd loan you some of mine if your kid wasn't so ugly.<BR>anyway. sometimes to be reading is like having three eggs. but you don't know what to do with either of them. later.<P>howardtuttleman.com