死のクレバス―アンデス氷壁の遭難 みんなこんな本を読んできた 死のクレバス―アンデス氷壁の遭難
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死のクレバス―アンデス氷壁の遭難 ( J. シンプソン Joe Simpson 中村 輝子 )


This is a true story of two friends who go climbing in the Andes and meet with disaster. Joe Simpson breaks his leg falling off an ice ledge. His friend tries to help him off the mountian by lowering him down a series of ledges but bad weather closes in and a blizzard strikes. <br>Joe Simpson's book is astounding - it'll have you turning the pages as the story unfolds. A definite must read for all outdoor enthusiasts. My only quibbles are the liberal use of technical climbing terms that are a little tedious for the non-expert and the relatively high price for what is a rather a slim volume. However the gripping narrative makes up for these minor gripes. One of the better books I've read this year.

死のクレバス―アンデス氷壁の遭難 ↑ご購入はこちらからどうぞ。
管理人の書評: 僕はこんな本を読んできた。 はこちらからどうぞ。
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