<br />楽しく英単語を学ぶか、そこに萌えを求めるかはあなたの自由。
<br />新感覚英単語帳ここに極まりって感じです。
<br />受験生や、一般の方でも楽しく英語を覚えられると思うので、是非買ってみてください!
To be an English teacher, I've read lots of English word books such as "Target", "Sokutan" and "Eitango2001". But this book is nothing like those ones. Of course, this "Moetan" contains the same words as the others do. What makes this book unique is the example sentence and the fact this one contains a romantic story. People who like manga and anime will love this word book and come to love English in the end. Why don't you take it and enjoy it? If you're not good at English, I guarantee "Moetan" to help you.