生体情報処理、人工生命の実現 |
Biological information
processing, Creating artificial life |
われわれは工学的な見地から生命の機能を機械で実現することを目指し、また、その開発を通して、生命と機械の違いがどこにあるのかを理解したいと考えています。 |
【Keyword】 Artificial life, Biological information processing |
音声処理 (Acoustical signal processing) |
●集中マイクロホンによるマイクロホンアレイの小型化に関する研究 (2001-) :
A study on miniaturizing microphone array utilizing aggregated microphones. |
This research is about miniaturizing microphone
array utilizing aggregated microphones. The conventional microphone
array realizes the delay-sum type microphone array, and DOA estimation
such as high resolution algorithms, by utilizing the phase difference
of each microphone. However, it is difficult to miniaturize the
microphone array due to utilization of the phase difference of
each microphone.
Correspondingly, we proposed another type of microphone array
that does not utilize the phase difference of each microphone
but utilizes the directivities of microphones located at the same
place, namely aggregated microphones.
In this method, all microphones are located in the same position,
and directional microphones are arranged to differentiate the
amplitude gains. Hence, the system can easily be miniaturized.
This feature is useful when applied to small robots, conference
systems, and so on. |
画像処理 (Image processing) |
●エッジ場解析を用いた特徴量の抽出 (2006-) :
A study on extracting features utilizing Edge Field Analysis. |
ベクトル解析の考え方を応用したエッジ場解析という概念を提案し、回転や発散、平行移動などといった画像からの特徴抽出を行っています。特にぼけ画像に対してエッジ場解析を適用することによって速度場の情報を求めることなく、運動の様子を直接的に検出することが可能になります。 |
This research is about extracting
the features from an image. In vector analysis, it is important
to classify three flow primitives as translation, rotation and
divergence. These three primitives can be detected utilizing line
integral and surface integral according to the knowledge of vector
analysis. This method is for extracting these three primitives
utilizing edges in an image based on vector analysis, namely edge
field analysis(EFA). The edge has the information
of inclination. However, the edge has no information of the direction
unlike vector. Hence, line integral and surface integral can not
be directly applied to detect these three primitives. Applying
EFA to a image, we can extract various features from a image such
as the center of the storm, the center of the flower and the center
of the finter print.
In general, we extract the velocity of the objects utilizing muitiple
discrete images. However, applying EFA to
a blurred image, we can extract quasi-motion from a blurred image.
ロボティックス (Robotics) |
●ハードウェアの自己増殖に関する研究 (2007-) :
A study on self-reproducing hardware. |
ハードウェアの自己増殖に関する研究です。目的とするハードウェアを作成するために一つ一つの部品を人の手で組み立てるのではなく、外部の環境を制御することで自然とものが組み上がるような仕組みについて研究しています。自己増殖は生命におけるもっとも重要な作用の一つです。これらの研究から生命と機械の違いがどこにあるのかというより深い問題を考察したいと考えています。 |
This research is about self-reproducing hardware.
Self assembly plays an important role in a variety of research
fields such as robotics, chemicals, physics and so on. Utilizing
self assembly, we can simplify the process of assembling the hardware.
However, due to the limitation of self assembly, it is difficult
for us to create the reproduction of the assembled hardware. If
the advanced method of self assembly, namely self-reproduction
can be realized, we will be able to obtain the same kinds of hardwares
as the objective hardwares from the simple elements automatically.
We consider the study on self-assembly and self-reproduction is
noteworthy not only for simplifying the process of assembling
the hardware but for recognizing the life. Through this study,
we would like to consider the difference between the life and
machinery. |